Pregnant after IF

second u/s done--- TWO heartbeats!!

my second mystery sac caught up and has a strong heartbeat, and measuring right on track!  i almost fell off the table lolz


however, the sac itself is much smaller than the other (embryo is the same size as the other)-- and he is concerned about it. He said it's still very tenuous, even with a heartbeat showing. =(   Anyone else have a big discrepancy in sac size ?  

me: 37, pcos; DH: 39, no probs. TTC #2 for 1.5 years:
2 clomid cycles, 5 injectible cycles,7 total iui's,
ivf #1 cancelled due to dominant follicle.
IVF 1.2 October 2012: ER=7R, 3F, 5dt of two 'perfect' blasts,
bfp turned ectopic /nothing to freeze.
IVF #2: 2/5: ER= 10R, 5F. ET 2/8 of two perfect 5 day blasts, one to freeze.
BFP! 7dpt5dt Beta #1: 87 Beta #2: 242 Beta #3: 594 Beta #4:1200!
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