3rd Trimester

So anxious, and mom not helping

So, this is my last PG, and I"M DONE!!!!  I'm uncomfortable, way more than with either other PG.  I just want this PG done and over with.  I want to hold my new/last baby. 

I am sooooo close with my mom we talk everyday for what seems like hours.  I made them mistake of telling her that I think I've started to loose my plug.  I'm not 100% sure.  I never lost with either of my other PG's.  So now when I'm talking to her she's asking me "do you have any other symptoms?  How do you feel?  Do you think it will be soon? THEN  Don't get too excited"  yadda yadda yadda.

I know I shouldn't get too excited that the baby is coming. I have a c/s scheduled for 10 days from now, but I am excited because I just want this to be over.  I'm so done.  I tried to enjoy every minute becasue this will be my last PG, but I'm DONE!!!!!!!

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