3rd Trimester

I'm so at the end of the PG-thing

I'm 37 weeks today, woohoo.  I'm two weeks, a mere 14 days from my c/s.  And I'm DONE!!!!!!!  I'm trying to enjoy this PG, because it is my last.  I'm trying to stay focused on all the nuances that make being PG a wonderful experience, but I'm DONE!!!!!!  I don't know how much more I can take.  I've developed Carpel Tunnel (which makes typing fun).  I wrote my name and address down to order an adapter for the stroller, and my fingers started tingling before I was even done.  It hurts to walk, and I sleep miserably. 

I just don't know how much more I can take.  I know I won't bounce back, but I want to start to feel normal again.  I miss me, I'm tired of PG-me.

I also think part of this anxiousness is due to the fact that DH doesn't know that this baby is a boy, and I do.  I can't wait for him to find out.  The next 14 days are going to go by so slowly.  I just wish this LO would decide to come early.  We're at the full-term mark today, and while I know they need all the time that they get, I just wish he'd change his mind, and come early.

I'm just so miserable.

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