Pregnant after IF

First Tri Check In

Hi new mommies-to-be! Update us on what's new! RE or OB news? Any pictures to share? How are you feeling? Please let me know if you will be moving on to second tri.  Also let me know if you would like to be added to the list.  We love BFPs!


Note: Tomorrow is actually my LAST DAY in first tri - ZOMG how did that happen?  Who would like to take over the reign of the first tri check in?  Please respond below.  It's not hard, I promise!


QOTW:  Are you thinking about the 2013 holidays yet?  How do you think it will be different?


Name                                             Due Date



notquiteblusing                            6/17/2013

nikkilou10                                     6/21/2013

k8teeinTX                                      6/26/ twins

NikkiA921                                     6/28/2013

ShelleyBQ                                     6/28/2013

tracbabe15                                   6/29/2013



Rvnsgrl81                                      7/07/2013 twins

trigirl79                                         7/04/2013 twins

KDGteacher                                  7/09/2013

sweetpeamsu                               7/09/2013 twins

MandaS08                                    7/10/2013

pantsarella                                   7/11/2013

mpetri                                           7/12/2013 twins

enndea                                          7/13/2013 twins

MrsZ816                                        7/13/2013 CuteGirlLissie                               7/14/2013 EFD32                                           7/15/2013 faithhopelove01                           7/19/13 HappyBird99                                 7/19/2013 Maggie2324                                  7/24/2013 destinyr61309                              7/25/2013 twins cdale26                                         7/26/2013 twins dubsgirle                                       7/30/2013 JessS15                                           7/30/2013   August reemap916                                      8/01/2013
TTC since 07/11 Me: 32 AO PCOS/DH: 32 Lowish count/motility IUI#1-3 = BFN (Clomid, Clomid-->Femara, Injects) IVF#1 ER on 9/24 19 ER/19 M/9 F w/ICSI Transferred a 5AA and a 5BB on 9/29 Beta 10/9 = 139 Beta 10/11 = 287
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