Pregnant after IF

Name Dilemma!

Hi Ladies!  Hoping you can offer your opinion :)

My husband and I named our baby girl a couple months ago...we had our mind made up pretty early.  I came up with the first name, and he picked her middle name.  So her name is:  Kinley Mae  We decided to not keep it a secret because so many people around us were having babies and they made it such a big deal about revealing the name.  (which was annoying during our IF struggles Embarrassed...)  So we have been really open w/ her name.  It was included in my baby shower our families have known for a while.

My hubby's cousin and girlfriend are having a girl as well, and due a month after us.  We just heard that they are naming their baby:  Kindyl Shae 

Maybe I shouldn't be too worried about it, but...they live really close to us, so we know our girls will probably be in school together, they're obviously going to have the same last name...  So we're just trying to decide if we should start thinking about something different.  And keep it a secret this time!

 What do you think?

Married 6.13.09 Me: 27 DH: 27 TTC #1 since June 2010 Laparoscopy-May 2011 Varicocele Surgery-June 2011 IUI #1-November 2011: Menopur+hCG+Prometrium = BFN :( IVF #1-February-Canceled/OHSS IVF #1 again-April = BFP!!! Beta #1-380....Beta #2-684 BabyFruit Ticker
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