Pregnant after IF

Cord Blood Banking or Delayed Cord Clamping?

I have done a ton of research regarding Cord Blood Banking and found it to be extremely expensive and the facts say it could help a sibling more than the actual LO it was taken from since if your LO develops an issue the issue will also be part of the DNA in the cord blood.  Since DH and I are not sure if we will be having another LO after this one is it really worth the money????  The other thing I am reading about is delayed cord clamping which I hear benefits LO with extra goodies in the blood.   What are you doing?  Opinions? 
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers Confirmed Pregnancy 9/18/2010 M/C 10/27/2010 BLIGHTED OVUM 10/2011 - HSG 2 blocked tubes 11/4/2011 - Lap Surgery - Extensive tubal disease (tubes opened) 1/3/12 - Repeat HSG (L tube open, R tube blocked) 1/15/12 - R tube removed Started Stim Injections 2/17/12 Follistim 300iu and Low Dose HCG 10 units Trigger - 2/25/12 ER 2/27/12 ET - 5 dt - 3/3/12 1 blast transferred 9 frosties BETA #1 - 626 :) Beta #2 - 2470 :) Beta #3 - 5470 3/29/12 - 6wks 3 days - no yolk sac, embie, or hb :( Blighted Ovum 8/3/12 - FET #1 1 flickering blast transferred 8/9/12 - POAS + 8/15/12 - Beta #1 1400 Beta #2 3200 8/20/12 - U/S 5 wks 1 day Yolk Sac seen 8/28/12 - 6wks 2 days - Heartbeat 116 9/4/12 - 7wks 3 days - HB 136 YAY! TEAM BLUE!
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