Pregnant after IF

Cautiously stepping in

Hi ladies. I recognize a lot of you. I hope you don't mind me posting here since I already have a DS (conceived through fertility treatments). Anyway, I'm just about 14 weeks pg and heard the hb again today. This is only the second time out of 7 pregnancies that I've made it past the 1st tri but I'm still very scared. I've been too nervous to even introduce myself here but figure it's time. Looking forward to hanging out with you ladies :)
dx homozygous for 3 thrombophilias, poor egg quality, and most likely autoimmune problem. Anything I'm missing?
5 miscarriages, 1 exception DS born 4/10
TTC another miracle
3 failed cycles of clomid, 2 failed cycles of injectables, moving on to IVF 8/12
ER 8/20 22 eggs retrieved, 19 fertilized, 2 transferred, 9 frozen
Beta #1=302 Beta #2=700 Please be a sticky baby!
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