1st Trimester

Hi new mommas to be!!!!!!

Hi beautiful new mommas to be Smile

I'm hoping to be joingig you very soon, my hubsteroo and I just started trying to concieve, but i have a good feeling aboutt his cycle. I'm 3 days late and feeling very tired and constipated, but all of the tests I take are negative. Do  you think it's just too early? I called the doctor to make an appointment for a blood test but he said without a positive pregnancy test he won't see me for 3 moer weeks. I think I will go crazy if I have to wait that long! Anyone here just KNOW that their preggers, even though the tests keep saying no? I just have a feeling, I can feel all the love in my belly growing each day. I can't wait to meet my little baby, and get to know each of you beautiful mommies better as we wait for our little ones to arrive.



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