1st Trimester

Am I pregnant? 2 positive tests, 2 negatives, and now I have what may or may not be implantation

So about 3 days ago I took a hpt and it was faintly positive, the next morning it was found negative, in the afternoon I used a different brand and found it again faintly positive, but in the morning it was again negative. I just went in to have blood drawn for an hcg blood test, but I used the restroom after and found a strange colored discharge (no smell) sort of a tan color and when I wiped I found a pinkish-brown color with sort of a mucous texture. Not alot though. A few minutes later I sneezed and felt some slight moisture so I went and wiped again and found a little more of the pinkish-brown.... What is going on?! Is this implantation or am I really starting my period? I don't understand how I could have two positive tests and not be pregnant.. I have PCOS so I am thinking that maybe I ovulated alot later then what is considered normal. 
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