Pregnant after IF

Birth Story

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Sorry it's taken me so long to post. Between our internet being down and just trying to find time to sit at the computer and type, we are almost 2 weeks out!
We went in at 7:30 pm on Oct 29 to start the induction. Cytotec was placed around 10:00 pm and the contractions started in almost immediately, every 4-5 minutes. I had started at about 2 cm, 50 % effaced, so was hoping things would move along quickly. My next does was to be at 2:00 am, but my contractions were too strong, so the nurse decided to wait to see what my body was going to do on it's own. At 3:00 am, I was still only 2cm, so they gave me another dose. At this point, I'd had no sleep. Around 5:00 I asked for a pain med (shot in my recollection of what it was now!) Finally slept for about 45 minutes. They said I could have a shot an hour, so I asked for another at 6:00 and slept again. 
At 7:45, they checked me and decided I was only about 2.5cm, but almost fully effaced, so they felt I was ready for pitocin so away we went! My OB came in at 9:30, said I was about 3cm, and that for a FTM, the hardest hump was between 3 and 4 cm and then after that about one cm per hour. She told me I'd likely have my baby by dinner time, but definitely before midnight. (She knew I REALLY didn't want her to have a HAlloween bday.)  She decided to break  my water to move things along. Contractions immediately intensified, and were completely unbearable (there may have been a few tears at this point, probably due to pain and exhaustion.) I asked for an epidural, and luckily didn't have to wait. It was in by about 9:45.
At that point I slept. My parents came down around 11:00 to check in on me. They left at 11:45 to go get lunch, and walk around the mall.  Nurse came back in at 12:15, said my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and she wanted to check me. I was at 10 cm already. At that point I was in shock....obviously I knew this was going to happen, but everyone was pointing me to around dinner time. Things moved REALLY quickly at that point. We called my parents, who then frantically rushed back to the hospital. OB came in to check me. I started pushing at about 1:00 pm. The OB started with me, and then left me with the nurses to try to push while we got her down further in the birth canal. At one point the nurse yelled "stop." She was about to come out! My OB came back in, she had me push once, and her head was out. Everything after that is a blur...I just know I had this amazing little girl on my chest and all I could do was cry! There were so many days when I never thought I would have that experience, and yet there she was. Samantha Claire was born just over 6.5 hours after they started the pitocin. 
DH and I joke now that after everything else, struggle to get pg, and all of the complications during my pregnancy, apparently my body knows how to deliver a baby quickly-at least I got something right. That, and making an absolutely perfect little girl. We are so absolutely in love. I love watching my husband with her-he is so cute!!! Still struggling with bf and having to supplement with formula,but we'll get it figured out!
This is one of my favorite's covered up, but she also has a full head of dark, gorgeous hair. About an inch and half long in some places, with some little curls!!! 
2/11 Diagnosis: DOR-AMH .62, LPD and MFI-4% Morph
IVF #1-July 2011 7/9/11-Started Stims
7/20/11-ER:No eggs in 4/5 follicles. Left the 5th follie intact and converted to an IUI
8/3/11-Beta #1=BFN,
Nov, 2011 BFP #1=m/c at 7 wks 3 days
11/11-AMH .47, IVF #2 March 2012...or not!! Surprise BFP on 2/19. Beta #1=161. Beta #2 305 Our little miracle girl is on her way! Due Oct 29, 2012
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