1st Trimester

Really struggling with the nausea...

I'm mid-way through my 8th week and really struggling with nausea. No vomiting, but the kind of nausea that makes me think there is no way I can survive this. It's there from the time I wake up until the time I go to sleep, and usually wakes me up in the middle of the night. Never in my life have I been so physically miserable. And mentally, I am really wondering if I am strong enough to do this. I was completely unprepared for how hard this is. I can't even imagine living like this for weeks on end and it brings tears to my eyes to even think about it.

I've tried all of the food tips (crackers, ginger chews, ginger tea, lemonade, sparkling water, ginger snaps, more protein), and the Sea bands, acupuncture, and vitamin b6.

I'm really afraid of trying any of the meds, and it probably isn't indicated since I am not vomiting. But does anyone have any other advice? Have I missed something? Any advice for how to mentally make it through each day? I feel like I'm losing it.

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