1st Trimester

pregnancy and cysts?

Well, i had a BUN study yesterday and baby looks good and healthy. However the Dr. Said he noticed fluid in my uterus so he took another look with a transvaginal device. It appears i have a small simple cyst adjacent to my right ovary, he couldnt call it an ovarian cyst because of the location but instead called it a peritoneal cyst. He said it was nothing to worry about and baby would be fine, then i told him i had 6mm right ovarian cystadenofibroma removed last May, so as a precaution he wants to see me back in 7 weeks for a repeat US..... This Dr. Is from the prenatal diag. Center where they test for birth defects in women over 35 such as myself, i will discuss this fully with my OB. In the meantime have any if ladies experienced any of this including ovarian cysts during pregnancy??? I am trying so hard not to be scared, this should be a happy time for me but i am scared more than anything....... Help. Please...
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