1st Trimester

So anxious/Lines on BFP

Hi ladies,

Congrats to all, hope you're having a healthy, happy first tri! I got my first ever BFP on Tuesday after 7 months of trying and never seeing one. I'm definitely happy but incredibly nervous and anxious too. I've read so much online and seen so many dark lines on BFPs and mine isn't really getting all that dark yet.

Crazy lady alert, I know, as I'm still testing. But today's HPT (14 dpo) looks pretty identical to yesterday's at 13 dpo. I thought they were supposed to get a lot darker each day to indicate that the hormone is doubling and things are going well? I hope I'm overthinking this. My OB's office said to come in when I'm a week late for my period to have a blood test to confirm the pregnancy and I just feel like a ball of nerves waiting for that appointment next week.

If anyone has reassurance that it's OK for the test to look the same at 13 dpo and 14 dpo, I'd really appreciate it. Or any other words of wisdom for calming down the freak out that something may go wrong. TIA.


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