1st Trimester

Update to Light Bleeding

Ok, So last night before bed I had a light pink spotting. I woke up this morning around 530am and felt weird like I was about to start and had to pee. So, I went to the restroom and found I was bleeding a brighter red but, it only showed up when I wiped. I paged my dr. freaking out and she sent me to the hospital to get blood work done along with a rogham (sp) shot because they found I am o-. I have to go back Saturday and get more blood work to see if the HCG levels went up and not down. So we are now in waiting until Monday to see if everything is ok. I am still having some bright red bleeding when I wipe and now one little spot on my underwear along with some little flake looking things that are in the toilet when I urinate. I spoke with my neighbor who experienced a miscarriage earlier this year and she said I would know if I was actually miscarrying. anyone else experience this. It is so nerve wracking to have to wait 5 days to see if everything is ok. My Dr. didn't act like it was too bad and the nurse at the hospital didn't act like it was a big deal. Fingers Crossed! I am only 4 1/2 weeks and was thinking this past weekend when I found out that I was pregnant I was suppose to start. So, maybe my body just thinks I am still needing to have a period.
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