1st Trimester

Large Uterus

I've already posted this on the multiples board, but I though I'd share with you ladies as well. I had my first appt yesterday to confirm pregnancy and what not. The dr did my pap and also did an internal exam to feel my uterus. After feeling it she asked if twins ran in my family. I said yes because I have twin brothers. She than asked if I was sure on the last time I got my mentral. I said yes because I calander it. Afterwards she said she'd want to make sure and get the doppler to see if she could find a heartbeat (according to the dr I'm only 6 weeks). She couldn't find a heartbeat. So she agreed with me probably being 6 weeks (which according to the due date calcalator I'm 7 weeks; so I'm a little confused about that). Did your doctor find that you had a large uterus? I have an ultrasound on Monday to confirm but I'm just a little concerned. TIA!

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