Pregnant after IF

Cautiously Introducing Myself

Hi ladies!

I'm moving on over here from the IF board. My history is in my siggy but basically we were dealing with MFI. Just finished our second FET and found out yesterday we finally got our first ever BFP!!

My first beta came in at 251 and I was going to wait until tomorrow, after my 2nd beta to intro here but I have a quick question I'm hoping you can answer so I thought I might as well say hello now...

I'm really going to miss the IF ladies (though I do recognize some of you over here) but I am looking forward to getting to know you all! 

My questions is, My RE just called and said my TSH was pretty high. He asked if I've ever been on any thyroid medication before and I told him no, i've never been told it's an issue. Anyways, he is prescribing me Synthroid (100mg) and wants me to start taking it today. I asked if this is something I should be concerned about, if it could potentially affect the pregnancy and/or the baby but I didn't get a clear answer. Have any of you experienced high TSH, should I be worried??

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