Pregnant after IF

Finally add a ticker!

After my 9w appointment, I thought it was about time to add a ticker! Yay! I was able to have another u/s yesterday, even though it was just supposed to be an intake appointment, and there was LO measuring only a day behind at 8w6d with its little heartbeat flickering away! They gave me an official due date of 6/13/13 but I am going to stick with 6/12/13 based on my ER date.

After going over my history, I also learned that I am now considered high risk due to an already shortened/compromised cervix from my LEEP procedure in 2007. I will start seeing an MFM as of 12 weeks and the MFM will also do my NT scan.

Overall, a great appointment! Although the MFM means more appointments, it also means more times I get to see LO and I am so glad that they are being proactive and monitoring me closely.

TTC #1 since 6/2010
8 IUIs - 3 Cancelled cycles - 1 Ectopic Pregnancy with Left tube removal = A broken heart
IVF #1 : Fall 2012
15R - 13M - 13F w/ICSI - Transferred 2 day 5 blasts = BFP!!!
8 Frosties!
Beta #1: 135, Beta #2: 312, Beta #3: 996
10/21: Saw one beautiful flickering heartbeat! EDD: 6/12/13

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