1st Trimester

Getting excited...

So I'm very VERY excited for our 1st little one to arrive on May 20th of next year and I just announced it at work with a cute little Halloween costume.  When I announced it at work, another coworker came to me and admitted she's pregnant too and due 8 days before me.  So now I'm super excited for the both of us!

The problem is that I believe she's been struggling to get pregnant and keep a pregnancy for awhile now.  She has never come out and said it, but conversations with her husband (who also works with us) has lead me to believe this.  Knowing this has made me more leery of talking about it with them.  I know that they don't want to get over the top excited yet because they're still afraid they might lose it and it makes me wonder if I should be that way too! 

How can I make this a good happy occasion for all of us without stepping on toes or making one of us feel bad?!?!  

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