1st Trimester

oh my funny uncle!

I saw a bunch of my relatives today because we were at a wake and my uncle sees me and he touches his  beer belly and gives me a funny look. I nodded and said shhh. he just smiled and gave me the thumbs up. I thought maybe my one aunt that I told mentioned something to him. Later that night, we all went out to eat so I decided to tell everyone the good news then and I asked him how he knew. He said well, your belly is bigger. (I am normally very small). Glad we all are very close in my family and can be open like that, because what if I wasn't pregnant?!?!?!?

Anyway, I ended up telling him about my mc (blighted ovum) and I am probably going to pop so fast that I will look like a whale next to my sister, who is a month ahead of me. This is her first pregnancy. I have a 2 1/2 year old and my mc was just in August. I totally didn't listen to my doctor and wait 3 cycles, just one. Im ok with being a whale for awhile, I LOVED being pregnant before and I am so glad there was a heart beat and a baby this time! 

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