1st Trimester



I'm 10 weeks pregnant, and  we are very excited. My mother-in-law has been living with us since she lost her house last year, and she is now in her last stages of cancer, with no desire for treatment. I feel for her, and spend a lot of time taking care of her. I even quit my job to make sure she had someone home all the time and we became very close. However, ever since she found out I was pregnant, she has become very bitter towards me. She makes a point to tell me stories of stillborns and miscarriages. When I made a decision to have a natural child birth, she ragged on me constantly about how I would hate myself for my choices, and tried to scare me away from it. I caught her telling my stepson that when the baby comes he will have to sleep outside. Even though I quit smoking cigarettes the moment I found out I was expecting, she begs me to smoke with her.She hid my prenatal vitamins, She even tried to spike my orange juice with alcohol. It must be terrifying for her, to be faced with death and obviously my pregnancy bothers her somehow. I am trying to be understanding but I spend almost all of my time taking care of a woman who hates my baby. I'm wondering if anyone has any advice or similar stories to share? She has very little time left and I don't know if a direct confrontation would help. Before the cancer she was very loving and even made hopeful comments about grandbabies. I know this isn't "her" but I feel like I must always be aware and protective of my baby because I don't know what she will do next. 

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