1st Trimester

Zofran pump

I posted earlier in my birth month group but this is kind of an update to that so excuse te double post but I need some advice from anyone whose used a zofran pump. I went to my OB for a follow up to my dating and renal ultra sound from yesterday. We even got another in office us with pictures. Which was great. Baby is doin perfect! My OB was concerned about a couple Things. First off I've lost I thought was six but apparently was 10 pounds in two weeks. My OB has written orders for a med service to come to my house for me to get an IV for the next several days and a zofran pump inserted in my side. this idea frightens me. I also got a follow up Ua slip for my bladder infection since one of my ureters in my bladder was blocked in the us follow up with urology tomorrow.

I know it's a lot to take in and I apologize. I just was wondering if any of you have used or know someone who has used a zofran pump. Or if you have any advice on it. I never knew one existed until recently so I'm a little apprehensive. Tia
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