1st Trimester

First Pregnancy Jitters

I just found out on Sunday that I'm pregnant! I still can't believe it, and I don't think I will until I go to the doctor Nov. 30th. Which is driving me crazy, I wish I could go NOW, you know? I need it to be official from a doctor, not just the 4 tests that I've taken.

 I'm going home to visit family over Thanksgiving, and that is when my husband and I will tell our parents, but it makes me so nervous because we don't go to the doctor until the next week. 

 I keep psyching myself out, thinking I read the test wrong because I haven't felt any symptoms yet. The only thing that I can tell are swollen breasts. My husband and I were trying to get pregnant and now that I am, i'm just in shock! He keeps asking me "well aren't you excited??" I tell him that I am, but it just really hasn't hit me yet. I feel like I can't let myself get excited until i go to the doctor. Does anybody else feel this way?? or Am I crazy??

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