Pregnant after IF

Low/slow betas...would like your opinions

Hi ladies, I'm lurking and usually on 1st tri but you all seem highly knowledgable on betas since its required testing with IF.

 Quick background, I had a m/c several years ago therefore I get betas checked routinely with each pregnancy. 

 My m/c me betas were high and doubled perfectly. This time though the are within the "normal" range they seem low and slow and as a result I'm worried. Here they are:

11DPO: 22

14DPO: 55 (55 hr doubling)

17DPO: 132 (53 hour doubling)

23DPO: 1200 (approximately... Was excited it went up and didn't catch the exact number) (44 hour doubling)


With my full term pregnancy (not the m/c) I don't have my betas saved but had awful morning sickness. This time nothing so far except sore breasts. I'm 6 weeks 2 days.

 What do you ladies think? Any hope?

 Thanks so much and good luck to all of you!!!! 

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