Pregnant after IF

Lyme Disease Girls Come In!

I just found out that I tested posted for Lyme disease yesterday...ugh. I've been having a really strange constellation of symptoms for the past year or so and seeing a Lyme specialist was my last ditch effort to try to figure out where the numbness/tingling, anxiety, knee joint pain, and heart palpitations were coming from. I've probably been infected for 10 years as I didn't realize at the time what the rash was and just wrote it off.

I guess the good news is that I finally have a diagnosis, but the bad news is that I'm pregnant and so stressed out that the baby is going to be affected. My doctor just started me on antibiotics.

Does anyone have any advice who has been through this (pregnant or not)?

DX with PCOS 5/2005
Thyroid Cancer 7/10
TTC since 9/10
3 Rounds Clomid: No Response
4th Round of IUI (Letrozole + GonalF + Ovidrel): BFP!!!
Me: 33 DH: 34
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