Pregnant after IF

First Tri Check In

Hello first fri ladies! So sorry I'm out of town right now so I'll have to upload our lists of names when I get to a computer. In the meantime, congrats to the ladies who have moved onto second fri and welcome to our new BFPs!

Please check in here and tell us how your pregnancy is going. Any appointments this week?

QOTW: Pregnancy books. What are you reading and do you recommend it?

TTC since 07/11 Me: 32 AO PCOS/DH: 32 Lowish count/motility IUI#1-3 = BFN (Clomid, Clomid-->Femara, Injects) IVF#1 ER on 9/24 19 ER/19 M/9 F w/ICSI Transferred a 5AA and a 5BB on 9/29 Beta 10/9 = 139 Beta 10/11 = 287
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