Pregnant after IF

XP from IF: 20-30% for frozen embryos

My nurse said that only 20-30% of couples have anything to freeze "because there grading for freezing is so strict."  Does that sound right or do they sound money hungry and want us to have to do another fresh cycle in the future?


TTC since 08/08. Lap #1 4/10. Lap #2 4/11. DX: Stage II Endometriosis/ Unexplained. 3 TI cycles on Clomid. All BFN. IUI #1: 07/10 Femara+HCG= BFN. IUI #2: 01/11 Gonal-F=HCG= Cancelled cycle, overstimulation. IUI take 2: Femera+Follistim+HCG= Cancelled cycle, 1 follicle. IVF #1 in progress. Stims start 10/20. ER 10/29. ET 11/3. Beta #1 11/12/12 489. Beta #2 11/14/12 1213. U/S #1 on 11/28 showed twins!! Baby A HB 174, Baby B 157. U/S on 12/12 showed Baby B stopped growing. :( Baby A still looks great. Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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