Pregnant after IF

Lost our "Baby B"

Unfortunately, at my first OB appointment, the ultrasound showed that Baby A was measuring ahead at exactly 10w0d and that Baby B looked like it stopped developing at around 8 weeks, no heartbeat and has started to break down.

We're saddened by this as we did have our hearts set on "two", but we are beyond thankful that the one that is left is big and healthy.

It was quite a bittersweet appointment and the OB was waiting for me to lose it and cry. I guess I can't really cry, yes I'm sad that we lost one, but I know that it was for a good reason (something may have been wrong with it and the Lord chose to take it). I have to be strong and healthy for the baby I've got left.

It's technically a miscarriage, but they officially name it "vanishing twin" since the other baby is fine and secure. In a few weeks there will be no sign of Baby B and hopefully that will make a little more room for our big, healthy baby.

Knowing that this is common hasn't made it any easier today, but I would love to hear from some ladies about how they got through this. Thanks everyone.

Dx Hypothyroid 2009 - Dx PCOS 3/2011- TTC since March 2010
DH: Perfect
April 2011 - HSG - Normal/Clear but tilted uterus
May 2011 - Start Metformin
June 2011 - SIS - Arcuate but normal uterus
July 2011 - 100mg Clomid Cycle cancelled - No response
August-September 2011 - Break for oral & eye surgery
Oct 2011 - Femara 7.5mg + Metformin 1500mg + Novarel trigger + IUI #1 = BFN
Nov-Mar 2012- Break due to DH ship schedule
April 2012 - Femara 7.5mg + Metformin 1500mg + Novarel trigger + IUI #2 = BFFN
May 2012 - Femara 7.5mg + Metformin 1500mg + Trigger + IUI #3 = BFFN
June 2012 - Femara cycle cancelled - No response
Jul-Aug 2012 - Break, getting our financials in order
September 2012 - IVF w/ ICSI and AZH
9/11/12 - ER (34 retrieved, 24 mature, 18 fertilized)
9/16/12 - ET - 5dt of 2 perfect blasts and 7 frosties!!!
Beta #1 - 10/1/12 - BFP!!! 2000+
Beta #2 - 10/3/12 - 4881
Beta #3 - 10/5/12 - 8570
First u/s - 10/9/12 - 6w0d - 2 sacs!!!
Second u/s - 10/16/12 - 7w0d - 2 babies with 2 strong hbs!!
First OB appt - 11/5/12 - "Baby A" looks great, good hb and movement, measuring 10w0d
"Baby B" stopped growing at 8 weeks :0(
12/5/12 - Baby looks great at 14w2d - 165bpm heartrate!
January 4th, 2013 - Lost our Baby Girl, Faith at 18w3d
Emergency D&C to clear infection
We love you and miss you little one
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