1st Trimester

Very Upset at Endocrinologist & Nervous about my Pregnancy

So, a few weeks before I conceived my doctor found nodules on my thyroid.  I was advised not to conceive and I thought my husband and I were good; watching the calendar, but naturally we ended up conceiving.  I had a biopsy 2 days before I found out at my regular yearly with the OBGYN that I was pregnant.  So, although I am thrilled, another part of me is feeling guilty because of my thyroid.

 After the biopsy my endocrinologist said he was going on vacation so instead of the normal 5 day wait, I had to wait 2 weeks.  Then he called yesterday and left a message that my cysts were benign and all was good.  I was so relieved and finally feeling the excitement I should about my pregnancy.  Both, my husband and I were very happy.


Today I got a voicemail saying I needed to call the doctor.  He told me what he told me yesterday was wrong and that my largest cyst (I have multiples; the largest being 2.8mm) was inconclusive.  He needs to do another biopsy. . . IN 2 MONTHS!  I shared that I was currently pregnant and he said the bisopy wouldn't hurt the baby.  I get that, but now for the entire first trimester I have to worry about this cyst and my baby's health and my health impacting the baby.  I am so frustrated right now.  Any words of wisdom?  Does anyone else have nodules on their thyroids?  Has anyone undergone surgery or medication while pregnant?

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