1st Trimester

New here...got a question

I'm new to The Bump, and I'm antsy and excited at the same time.

I missed my period, which was supposed to start by Oct. 31st. Normally it's only a day or two late, but going five days without had me concerned so I took a test yesterday morning and I got a dark pink line and a light pink line, which I know means pregnant. My husband said it's too early though, and told me to wait a couple weeks before retaking. I've only had sore boobs and some mild cramping that comes and goes during the day that I've noticed. I probably know I am pregnant but when should I see a doctor on pregnancy? My husband and I are at different ends on when I should consult a doctor about a pregnancy, since he doesn't want us to spend money on a 'false positive' (which I don't think happens at all) Thanks for any advice!

**Sorry forgot to add: I haven't seen a doctor in 10 years. The one I would go to would be my husband's, which he said he's enjoyed having him and we know insurance covers that doctor. 

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