1st Trimester

experiencing odd discomfot

Hi ladies,

this is my first pregnancy and although I'm very  early in the process I'm experiencing some odd discomfort right below my diaphram (in the center, right below my rib cage).  It also stretches periodically to my back around where my bra strap is.  I'm already pretty large chested (32FF) with a small frame so back pain is nothing new to me but the pain in my diaphram is.  It seems to be itermitent in nature and it also seems to get worse at night.  Most of the time it feels almost like an air bubble trapped around my organs.  Anyway, I'm not sure if this pain is pregnancy related or something else that I should be more worried about.  I asked "Dr. Google" and some sites claim it is due to all the different ligaments around your abdomend and rib cage stretching, others say it can be gas, but since I'm still so early on I'm worried it has nothing to do with any of that.

 Has anyone else every experienced an achy on and off feeling in their diaphram this early on in pregnancy? or at all?  What was causing it and how to you deal with it?

Thanks for your help :)

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