1st Trimester

"babies" vs "baby"

SO just for fun what do all you ladies think

My first pregnancy I had perfect skin. My hair was full and didn't fall out at all (until 6 wks after delivery)  M/s lasted from 9wks to 15 wks and m/s only happened after 5 pm the rest of the day I was good.  That pregnancy I had a girl.

This pregnancy so far I started m/s at 5 wks and I am sick ALL day. My skin looks terrible. I'm breaking out like crazy on by body. And my hair is falling out much more than normal and it seems to be much more oily.

Because my symptoms are much worse this time around my husband and I keep joking around saying I'm carrying "babies".  What do you think? Are pregnancy symptoms worse with twins than with just 1 baby?

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