1st Trimester

spotting... need advice and reassurance!

I'm 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant.  This morning, when getting ready for work I went to the bathroom, and noticed some blood had came out...there was some on the toilet paper.  After that it was no longer on underwear, just when I would wipe...I went to the bathroom a hundred times to keep checking.  I went to the doctor today.  She said she saw some brownish blood which can be normal, and my cervix is closed, which is good.  I got blood work done, and have to get more monday to compare results.  Unfortunately, I can't get in to the ultrasound until 6 pm (it's 3 pm now).  I'm having minor on and off again cramping on my right side, but I've been having minor cramping on and off since before I found out I was pregnant.  I made the mistake of googling miscarriage signs.  I'm absolutely freaking out.  I know this can be a sign of the start of a potential miscarriage..but I need some positive stories, to keep up my morale! If this has happened to anyone, and everything turned out ok, please share your situation.  I really need to hear positive now.  The spotting has pretty much gone away at this point...I don't see it on toilet paper anymore. 

I've never been this scared or worried in my life!

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