1st Trimester

fat pants -- so depressed

Okay, so to the best of my calculations and symptoms, - i'm pushing 9 weeks in my second pregnancy.  So far, - NOTHING like my first one, -- which of course has my husband thrilled that it could be a boy, but i'm anything BUT thrilled. 

I always knew that my first baby was extremely wonderful to me during pregnancy, -- I never outgrew my pants. - I know, - hate me.  But I was overweight when I got pregnant, and with the MS and nausea early on which kept me from sweets - i lost weight.  But eventually, i could just push my waist band down under my belly and didn't have a problem. 

 WELCOME TO BABY #2.  sheesh, like I said, - should only be about 9 weeks in, i'm figuring, and i'm UP 2 pant sizes.  I know its just bloat because i haven't gained a pound, but COME ON!  I haven't even told anyone yet and i'm looking like i'm 6 mo in!  Nothing in my closet looks good on me, and this Oklahoma bipolar weather hasn't been kind to let me wear sweatshirts and baggy clothes yet.

 ANY advice for controling or relieving the bloat would be much appreciated!



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