1st Trimester


I don't know if anyone's noticed but some of the pregnancy books are a little....morbid? scary? I started reading one and The biggeset section for week five was about ectopic pregnancy....

And now?

I'm terrified. My fiance and his friend keep trying to reassure me, even try to tell me that me stressing and freaking out like this is bad for the baby (which i now) but it's hard, especially considering that i have an anxiety disorder.

I'm just not sure what to think...it's so...possible. I have been cramping off and on for the last 2 weeks, lower abdomen that radiates to my back....kind of feels like intense menstral cramps...but occasionally its to one side.

I'm just not sure what to think. I'm going to make a doc. app tomorrow but there's no telling when i'll actually get in to see the doctor...

Any ideas? or advice?

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