1st Trimester


So, my husband and I were TTC just recently.  I came off the pill in June and started taking OTC prenatals to get my body ready.  We tried a bit in August and September, but with no luck.  Then after some reading about TTC I went to the doctor for a physical as a precaution.  Turns out I have a bunch of nodules on my thyroid.  My doctor said to lay off TTC for a little while until after my biospy, though my bloodwork is "100% perfect".  So, last Wednesday I had my biopsy (4 needles to my neck) and then Friday I had my regularly scheduled OBGYN appointment.  My period was supposed to be on Wednesday, but it didn't come yet, so I thought it was stress.  At my GYN appointment I told my doc we were trying but stopping TTC until we get the results (in 2 weeks).  She had the nurse run a pregnancy test just in case.  After I got dressed and walked out the exam room my doctor and the nurses were starring at me and smiling.  I was told congrats, you're pregnant!  I even got a high 5 from my doctor,

I am very excited and also very in shock,  The one month we try not to conceive and now we get pregnant.  My husband is still trying to absorb it all.  I must be between 2-4 weeks tops. The hardest part of it all is keeping it a seret.  I go back to the OBGYN the first week of December and we want to tell everyone after the first ultrasound.  The frustating part is I have so many questions and I have been doing my research, but my mom was a nurse and worked the nursery for years and I can't tell her until the 15th, because if she knows, everyone will know. 

I'll throw some of my questions out there:

I just started CrossFitt about 3 weeks ago.  It's pricey, but I love it and don't want to give up yet (hoping it will help strengthen the baby and me for labor).  I know it's intense, but I have been exercising for the past 3 years on a pretty consistant basis.  Can I do another month after this month is over? 

Any other breakfast ideas other than eggs?  I am in a rush in the mornings.

Because I am only like 5 minutes pregnant the only symptoms I have are the pressure in my abdomen and sore breasts.  When should I expect the "morning sickness" to begin? 

 Thanks for the help and/or suggestions you can offer:-) 


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