1st Trimester

yay! first post!

Hey all,

   I always said that I wanted nothing to do with having children- I have been very vocal about it...almost obnoxiously so. My Hubs and I had a huge fight on October 7, which resulted in mind blowing makeup sex. We didn't use protection as I usually ovulate right around the 18th of the month (give or take obviously), so pregnancy risk was a non issue. We have been married for nearly 5 years and have been together for over 13 years, we have never ever had a "scare".  

I started feeling "off" about two weeks ago. I was super emotional, had a tightness in my chest (almost like a breathlessness after the smallest movements, and I am not so out of shape that this should be a norm) and cramping as if AF would arrive at any moment. All of this (breathing issues aside) could have been chalked up to my impending period (expected 10/29- I am VERY regular). Something in the back of my mind kept telling me to recalculate my super fertile days, I did and We had that makeup sex on the very day that I started ovulating- 10 days earlier than expected.


I took a test yesterday. One day after I missed AF.


Test 1- Pregnant

Test 2-taken today- Pregnant...still!


The kicker is this, I am super calm. I thought I would be ready of launch myself of of a bridge if this ever happened. Yet, here I am talking to you all, safe and cozy in my living room.


My hubby is ecstatic :)


Who knew this would make me happy?!


I plan on taking a picture of myself holding a knife and fork with a plate that has a crow sitting on it when we decide to go public with the news. I know many many many people who will be so shocked that a) there is a bun in this oven and b) I am admitting to being wrong about having kids.



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