1st Trimester


I?ve now had my first one; saw LO moving (like crazy); legs kicking, arms waving, swimming around in there - saw its little heart (fluttering), heard it beating; then was sent over to doctor?s office for results; she says everything looks good; progressing normally. Asked if I were having any problems? No! Since you?ve said a normal/regular period is 29 days; you?re measuring 12 weeks-2 days - as promised I?ll be placing your EDD on Tuesday - May 14th. Then she handed me a folder with pictures & DVD - so here I?ve placed two!

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She asked ?have any questions!? Since I had none she said; ?You?re doing well; taking good care of yourself I?ll see you in three weeks - make an appointment? ? that appointment?s on the 26th ?

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