1st Trimester

is it possible????

heres my story.  

i just found out on oct 21st that im pregnant (home prego test) AND OF COURSE I TOOK A TEST BECAUSE I WAS 10 DAYS LATE ON MY PERIOD. went to the dr  on oct 22nd to confirm. and it was confirmed.  yes i know they go off of the first day of your last period how ever i did not have intercourse at all in september. so according to planned parent hood and my lmp. I'm 7 weeks prego. 

so i went to a obgyn on oct 29th and the dr say I'm measuring at "a little over 2 weeks" he orders a blood test for my hcg levels. i get the results on nov 1st that im measuring at "a little over 3 weeks" so i guess my question is WHEN THE HECK DID I GET PREGO?  

my guess is i got prego the day before i was supposed to start my period?

and help would be great thanks 

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