1st Trimester

Tubal ligation and possibly pregnant???

Hello all, [New to this site] :D

Okay i had a tubal ligation back in 2010 when my 4th child was born so far for 2 years no pregnancies. my periods are normal on time every month and what not.and i already had my period this month in October around 3rd or 4th day of it.

well this past almost 2 weeks i have been super nauseated, tired, moody,hungry, the whole works. I took a pregnancy test [from the dollar store] and right away 2 lines came up the 2nd was faint as can be like oober faint. well a few days later i got my period which this period was WAY early. and i had taken more pregnancy cheapie test and each time right away 2 lines but the 2nd is so faint i wouldn't pass it at a positive. so my question is has anyone who had a tubal ligation gotten pregnant and had weird symptoms and bleeding like a period?? i know evap. lines on pregnancy test happen hours later but it seems mine i get right away?? anyone help? sorry this question is so long.

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