1st Trimester

Early progesterone levels question

Hi everyone.  So my first beta, I only got the HCG levels back and it was 14.  Two days later, the number is up to 56! Holy quadruple! Still a very low number, but I am encouraged.  My question though is that I got my progesterone level checked and it was a 9.  I'm not too knowledgeable about appropriate levels, but shouldn't it be higher? I was under the impression it should be a 15.  Now, I actually don't have an OB yet... I got these numbers through my PCP/walk-in clinic ordering these tests for me.  I'm concerned that I need to get on progesterone, stat.  I was curious what you ladies thought of the level and what your were when you were about 4 weeks along?  Thank you!
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TTC Journey
TTC since Aug 2011. BFP #1 on 10/28/2011 EDD of 07/02/2012 Natural MC on 11/22/2012 BFP #2 on 10/29/2012 EDD of 7/13/12 Beta #1&2: 14, 56 P4: 9 Beta #3 (4 days later): 157 P4: 38! Beta #4: 314 Beta #5 (7 days later): 4,721! HB #1 (6w4d): 118-120bpm HB #2 (8w4d): 176bpm
Grow little baby, grow!

Adoption Journey
Aug 2012 -- Began the foster-to-adopt process
Oct 2012 -- Turning in foster/adopt application, completed background checks, and began classes for foster care and adoption. Dec 2012 -- Adoption placed on hold due to a semi-surprise pregnancy.
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