1st Trimester

Bad News for first appointment

I had my first appointment today.  I was hoping and praying everything would be ok.  I am suppose to be 7 weeks 5 days today , so therefore they should see a heartbeat.  They said the baby only measured 6 weeks and there was no heartbeat. I felt empty as those words were told to me.  They said maybe it is just too early to pick it up, but things do not look good.  I have so many emotions going through my mind right now.  I am mad,frustrated, depressed and feel like a failure.  All I can hope and pray for is that next Thursday at a follow up appointment, they see a heartbeat.  I am trying to be optimistic, but when your doctor is siding toward things not looking so good you lose all hope.  I could use any moral support or stories that anyone can share to help me out right now.  So please say anything.
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