1st Trimester

Surgery (long post)

Good  Morning Ladies,

I went to my 2nd doctors app. on Monday and was told I have not gained any weight and she was concerned because of my past history. In 2011 I had a minor surgery because the doctors were going to drain a cyst they found on my ovary before the surgery I was 160 pounds after the surgery within a whole year I have lost about 30 pounds due to the fact that I can not swallow food the way I should because it blocks my nasal passage and the food will not stay down which is a problem. I went to see GP's and all of them told me not to worry and that it was nothing serious, but now it has came along with other problems because if I can not eat properly the baby cannot get the suffcient nutrients it needs to grow. The doctor sent me to a GI specialist and I told the Doctor everything that has happend and she wants to do what they call a EGD(ESOPHAGOGASTRODUODENOSCOPY) which means I would have to be put alseep with anesethia and I am concerned for my baby and if I should have it? Do any of you ladies know if being put under while pregnant is safe for the baby? I am a nervous wreck.  

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