July 2012 Moms

Oh my I need a vent- NICU bill

Warning, this is looong.

So I've been impatiently waiting for Oliver's hospital bill because I assume it's going to be huge.

The hospital finally calls last week and tells me that my bill is up for collection and that they need insurance information because the he didn't qualify for insurance info we gave them (my insurance at time of birth). WHAAAT?!

They told me they mailed the bill 3 times. Never got one (checked the address, it's correct). I gave them MY insurance info again and she said nope he isn't covered (makes no sense). I called the insurance company mid-pregnancy to make sure everything was good, they said he would be covered until discharged from the hospital. I called again the day after he was born to make sure he was still covered because the NICU at the hospital I delivered at is considered a separate hospital. They said he was still covered.

So when that didn't work with this lovely woman on the phone, I gave his current insurance info, DH's Tricare, which now that DS is on he was covered since birth. She then gave me a bunch of crap about how he couldn't be on two insurances. Wrong, because Tricare can definitely be a secondary insurance. However, neither Oliver's SSN or DH's were coming up in her system for Tricare so she told me they don't have Tricare insurance. Wrong wrong wrong, DH has had Tricare since he joined the Army. She tells me she turn it over to someone else to check on the insurance and call back sometime.

So she just calls me at work and I picked up because I didn't recognize the number. I have a customer pull up so I ask if I can call her back. She tells me I need to stop dodging her calls because we are up for collections on our bill and they will start "coming after me" for the money. WHAT THE EFFF. I haven't even SEEN the bill, I have no clue how much it even is, and they are refusing to figure out the insurance thing with me!

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Oliver Jude born 7/23/12, our NICU baby
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