1st Trimester

I am 6 weeks! :)

Hello this is my first pregnancy and I am 6 weeks as well. I just had my 1st appointment yesterday with my prenatal nurse and it went great.I don't go back to see my actual doctor until December 14th. I was also worried because I have not been sick, at all. Just sore boobs here and there. But no nausea, or anything else. I'm wondering though, what am I suppose to feel right now if anything for the mothers on here that its not your first child? Because I feel fine. No pains or nothing really. I am gassy, and moody a lot more now than ever before, take more naps in a day, and I've gained 3lbs but besides that NOTHING.. But I guess I'm like the rest not really experiencing any of the "classic pregnancy symptoms" . But my mom when she had me and my 3 sisters she never had morning sickness or anything so I'm wondering if that's why I don't? I am however very excited and ready to see where a this takes me. #ProudMom2B  
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