Pregnant after IF

IFVets PAIF check in

So sorry this is so late!  I fly back from business travel in Pittsburgh!  A belated happy halloween to ladies Smile

This is a check-in for ladies who have been around the IF block for a while and were active posters on Infertility Veterans.

Any updates? How are you feeling? Appts coming up?

QOTW: In honor of the day, what was your favorite halloween candy when you were little?  Is it still the same now or have you acquired some different tastes?

Jillychris - 24 cycles, vet since fall 2011, EDD 10/29/12 from surprise BFP
MBfrom BMC - 42 cycles, EDD 5/16/2013 from FET#1
eponine7682 - 25 cycles, vet since fall 2011, EDD 1/5/13 from FET#1
lynn0926 - ttc 2 yrs, vet since Jan 2012, EDD 3/2/2013 from DE IVF
Roxie5739 - ttc 2 yrs, vet since ~spring 2012, EDD ?? from surprise BFP
Mrkyrain - ttc 2yrs 3m, EDD ?? from IVF#5?
amethystgrrl - 4 yrs, EDD ?? from DE IVF
Aegis2005 - 26 m, vet since 11/2011, EDD 2/22/2013 from FET
mdluv - ttc 2 yrs 10 months, vet since 2011, EDD 1/11/2013 from FET#2
Gregermis - 30 cycles, vet since spring 2012, EDD 5/8/2013 from FET#3
bellalou32 ? ttc 2 yrs, vet since Jan 2011, EDD 12/28/2013 from FET#1

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