Pregnant after IF

tentative intro

Hello ladies! I've been on the IF board for about a month. Did 3 cycles of clomid in jan then started IUI in Sept. 1st one was a BFN, second one was a BFP! Beta #1 on 10/26 313 and Beta #2 on 10/29 was 1054. Going in tomorrow for #3. Hoping I've found a home here, will also be posting On July 2013 board. Very excited and enthusiastic right now and trying to contain it all at least for a few more weeks till things are a bit further along!
TTC since 6/2011 Me: 33 DH: 30 both clear, no problems 3 cycles of Clomid Jan-March 2012 3x BFN IUI #1 Sept 2012 BFN IUI #1 Oct 2012 (10/11/12) BFP! Beta #1 10/26 313 Beta #2 10/29 1450 Beta #3 11/1 4202 U/S #1 11/13 BabyFruit Ticker
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