1st Trimester

Empty Sac on first US? Anyone have this?

Hi Ladies,

 This is my third time at the rodeo so I thought we'd tackle what ever comes our way but last week, at my 8 week scan, we got a crazy surprise.  First was that the baby was measuring small at only 6w3d but with a strong HB. Second was that there was a second sac that was the same size as the sac for the first baby.  The second sac appears to be empty so the doc said it was likely vanishing twin syndrome and not to worry about the health of the other baby too much. 

We were so caught up in the excitement over the little baby that we didn't even question the VTS tentative diagnosis for its twin. We're due back for a US in a few days to check on things and we assumed it is for the baby since it is measuring small. As we've shared the twin's information with people, we're starting to hear stories about not-so-empty sacs when the scans are too early.

Has anyone experienced a situation where an early scan showed an empty sac? What was the outcome?

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