1st Trimester

Amusing Taco Bell Story (Just for you to read if you are bored)

This is a hormone story. It find it hilarious now, just because of how worked up I was, but last night it was not hilarious.

So my husband and I decided to go get some Taco Bell last  night for dinner because someone (cough cough...me) is too tired to cook dinner AND clean up after. So his brother came with us. When we got there, it was PACKED. They were doing that "1 Free Taco" thing before 6 and we got there at 5 minutes till 6 o'clock.

So we order our food and wait about 30 minutes to get it. I ordered two things, once I got to my second, I noticed they forgot to put sour cream inside. So I went up to get a little cup of sour cream. 

The lady instead asks for my receipt. I almost blew up at her because I was like "I already paid 30 cents for it, I just want a stupid cup!" But I didn't...and just went and got the receipt. 

She goes in the back with my receipt and comes back telling me that they are just going to remake the food for me. I'm like. Wow, heck yes, I'll take a nice warm quesadilla the way I ordered it in the first place!

So I stand there....waiting....and waiting....and waiting....for at least 5 minutes. (It's not busy by this time, the lobby didn't have any new people in line and the drive in only had 1 car). Then a group of girls (of about 7) come in and order their food. I'm still waiting.

My DH comes up and asks if we can get my food to go because his brother had to get back home. By this time I'm furious. What the HECK is taking so long. It's just a cheese quesadilla with sour cream inside. It takes maybe 2 minutes to make. Then the group of girls get their order.

Oh man, everyone could feel my fury. I just wanted my stupid quesadilla (which is the reason I wanted Taco Bell in the first place and waited 30 minutes for my food, the first time.) So I walk up to the counter to ask someone what the heck is going on. NO ONE even makes eye contact with me.

So I practically yelled "NEVER MIND, Lets go" and stormed out. 

The thing that I'm nearly embarrassed about: I was in tears walking out to my car. I was so mad and I wanted my quesadilla! It was my favorite. 

Today my thinking is: Wow. I'm such a baby and ridiculous. All I had to do was ask after the first 5 minutes what was going on.

I have a feeling we'll all have nearly a book of stories like this! lol

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