July 2012 Moms

Prayers Please...

One of my friends just had her sweet little boy. She has been adamant about breast feeding since she was preggo (didn't get very far with her first), but is having some struggles with little man's weight. The pediatrician almost had to admit him to the hospital at their first check up because baby had lost a whole pound since he was born (he's 5 days old today). She is being so strong - you can't tell she's upset when she talks about it, but I know it's killing her that he's not gaining weight. She wants to breast feed, but he is not cooperating like she thought he would.

The doctors and nurses at the pediatrician's office pushed her to give him formula their first night home when he wasn't latching on, so he's used to the bottle and likes formula better than her breast milk (this is the same pediatrician's office I'm breaking up with because of their lack of BF'ing support). She said (and I support her fully) that at this point, she doesn't care what he gets as long as he's going to be okay. 

Please pray for this very positive, very sweet second time mama and her sweet little man that they get all the kinks worked out fast so he continues to be healthy and okay. 

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