Pregnant after IF

Cautious intro and a question

Hello ladies! I'm nikki and I'm excited/cautious to be joining you all! I've been lurking on this board for a few months and started off on IF board. My info is all in my siggy. This is my first pregnancy and, yes I am excited but I just feel I'm not as excited as I should be and not many people who have gone through IF really understand. I always feel like the other foot will drop.

Anyways, had my first u/s today and I almost cried! To see something growing is an amazing feeling! My RE wanted to see me afterwards to kind of give me an idea of what to expect from here on out. She said my next u/s (nov 7) they're going to start weening me off some meds. Yay!! But then she decided to get my prog level checked again. It went from 36-18 in less than a week. My RE said nothing to be concerned. She said as long as its above 10 they don't worry, but they like to see it at 20+. She said, since I have a high BMI that maybe all the progesterone I am on (pills, suppositories and PIO) isnt getting soaked up properly and I just need more. So now instead of 1ml of PIO I am starting 2ml tomorrow. 

So my question is, is this normal with progesterone levels? I'm so worried of a m/c and I just want to see some success stories or get some words of wisdom. Thank you all in advance and look forward to spending many more months with you and and getting to know you :) 

Age 27:Fragile X Carrier-causing infertility
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